Tuesday 13 January 2015

We are like an Oyster

Do you think a pearl is formed perfect? Do you think the formation took a few hours of completion?  There's a story behind the formation of a beautiful pearl. First, an Oyster gets a hold of an unwanted grain of sand/shell. Know remember this is causing irritation inside of this delicate Oyster. The Oyster begins to cover itself with nacre (the mineral that cover the shell). Layer and layers of nacre cover this invader inside the Oyster; until the irritation is no more. While the Oyster is trying to protect its home and fight off invaders, something wonderful is taking place in the same house. Oysters take between 1-6 years to form in salt water and 5-20 years in fresh water. At the end the result is magnificent to behold. All that heart ache and irritation resulted into something beautiful to the scene eyes.

Take a look at the Oyster? Do you think if it had known the struggles and trials it would endure, do you think it would want that unwanted object inside of it in the first place. NO…………. but guess what? Overcoming the pain and protecting itself was the only thing that kept life going.  Adrenaline kicks in and protection mood took force. By covering itself with nacre, Oysters continue to live and strive with this unwanted object inside its shell. Ways are found to ease the pain and as time passes it's like it was never there.

This is a perfect example of how God reshaped us into man and woman. It takes time to develop into your destiny. It takes struggles and heartache at times to get from point A to B. Why give up and you have come so far? Why give up and God has you surrounded by a protective shield while He’s grooming you? Stay on the course and don’t lose sight of what God’s doing in your life. The end result will be worth the wait.

But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. (Isaiah 64:8). Conformed to God hands and allow Him to transform your life and surroundings, so His glory can shine in you and others can see what a remarkable God He is. The process at times won't be easy, once you surrender all and you’re in the fire don't lose hope or get discourage. You may not be able to see Him but know that His spirit is there when you call upon Him. He will give you rest for the journey a head.

Next time when you see a classic pearl necklace, be attentive at the details of each stone and shape. Exam how each pearl are polishes and as the light hit each one see how they dance. You wouldn't
 have believed the trauma it had endured to get this far and yet the transformation is breath taking. Each Pearl shine as bright as they dance from there silk thread. Even if there's a small imperfection in one of these pearls, you would over look it because the entire package was eloquently made by precious hands that saw it fit as a balance for all to see.

Love you all.

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